
Because lenders calculate loans in many different ways with widely varying results, many people have been paying their mortgages more often than monthly with little actual saving in time and money. The mortgage payment calculator below provides details of the different weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly and monthly payment plans.
To see how effective the various types of mortgages are, it is necessary to have a yardstick against which to compare other calculations which is (Regular monthly payment).

All calculations below are estimations based on standard formulas.
For exact details please feel free to contact us.

( years )
'; break; case "qualifier": echo'


This calculator will calculate the maximum mortgage loan you may qualify for over different amortization periods.
Calculations are based on gross monthly income of the applicants, their personal monthly expenses (loan payments, car payments, credit card payments, etc.) and the expenses related to owning a home (property taxes, heating costs, and condo fees).

All calculations below are estimations based on standard formulas.
For exact details please feel free to contact us.

'; break; case "twoloans": echo'


This calculator helps you compare two different loans to estimate which loan could help you save time and money.

Loan #1
Loan #2
Total Interest
'; break; case "average_intr": echo'


If you wish to know what your annual rate of interest is on a combination of mortgages, that is the tool to do it.

Loan 1
Loan 2
Loan 3
Loan 4
Loan 5

Total Loan ( $ ) 
Average Interest ( % ) 
'; break; default: echo'


We provide all of these handy mortgage calculators for your convenience. You can use them to assist in your financial planning, for educational purposes, or just for fun!

Mortgage payment calculator
Allows you to see how effective all types of mortgage payments are.

Loan comparison
Allows you to calculate two different loans and compare the detailed results.

Averaging the interest rate.
Calculates the interest rate on a combination of mortgages.

Mortgage qualifier
This calculator estimates the amount of money you can borrow.

'; } ?>
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